Website Builder App for Android

Website Builder App for Android


Are SimDif sites visible on Google's search results?

Unique to SimDif, you can activate the optimization assistant.

Unique to SimDif, you can activate the optimization assistant.

What about SimDif sites and main search engines?

The vocation of this app is to help you organize your content for your readers in a way search engines will appreciate.

A useful site, clearly organized around your client's questions, will facilitate that Google builds a clear picture of your business, and recommends it.

When you publish your site the Optimization Assistant helps you complete and optimize your site.

The SimDif team does not hide that it takes a little time, and certain qualities, for a website to be visible on Google in a useful way.

Ideally, you want your site to appear in Google's results when somebody types your name.  More importantly, you want people to find you who do not know you when they look for what you offer in the city you are in.

No lies. For a site to be Googlable, it requires a bit of work.

No lies. For a site to be Googlable, it requires a bit of work.

SimDif offers you a method

Start by spending a few minutes with a piece of paper. Yes, paper ! :-)

1 • List the top 5 questions your clients & visitors will type when asking Google. These questions are about for what you offer, where you are. Let's assume they don't know you yet, they will not type your own name or brand. Investigate the words and phrases they will use on Google.

2 • List the top 5 questions you think your readers will have in mind when arriving at your site. What do they want to know ? Again, use their words, not yours. Identify the terms and expressions they use in everyday life. These expressions / questions are often not the same as in #1 above.

3 • For each topic that emerges, build a page to articulate your answer. Respecting the rule; 1 topic = 1 page. You will progressively make a website that visitors will find useful and easy to explore. It is also a way to help search engines perceive the structure and relevancy of your website.

To know what to do with these lists, and for the rest fo this interesting method, you can check It is a guide created by SimDif which proposes a simplified approach to the fundamental concepts of  a good optimization for the search engines (SEO).

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